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The Trip That Changed Our Lives

In June 2021, we traveled to Northern California for a weeklong “Lost Coast” road trip to celebrate Rebecca’s birthday. One week simply isn’t enough time to see all of Northern California, but we were able to sample its rocky coasts, redwoods, and red wine.

Loran’s dad, who lives in Santa Rosa, likes to tell the story about the “bottle that did it for him”. It’s a concept among wine enthusiasts and refers to the specific bottle of wine that sparked an individual’s passion for vino. In fact, he told Loran this story on the first night of this trip.

Loran’s dad’s story that night must have foreshadowed something good that was to come in the following week. This was the trip that did it for us—the one that caused us to fall in love with the region and inspired us to start this travel blog!

While we’ve moved away from the narrative storytelling that defined these first eight posts, they serve as a reminder of how and why Poseys Go Places began.

If you’re interested, you can read about each day of our NorCal trip below.

NorCal Road Trip 2021